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Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1

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Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1  イノセント~少女メモリア~  Innocent: Memories of a Girl  Innocent: Shoujo Memoria
Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1

” Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1 ” Manga adapted by Myuuto Akatsuki
Story 1: When Tengo and Kyouko fell in love, Kyouko, unfortunately, suffered from a brain disease that left her in hospital. Kyouko does not want to lose her love memories with her boyfriend just because of this disease, she wants to write a diary exchange with Tengo… Then one-day Kyouko did not pass, she died in her hospital bed and the diary ended forever from there. Tengo has suffered a strong concussion since Kyouko’s death, and he does not want to open up or accept any more girls in his life, even if he is now a teacher. Suddenly a cool morning like the morning of the old years, the wind blows autumn new flavors … Tengo opens the door and sees Nguyen Khoa Diem, and the wrong girl Yasudo appears in front of him and calls himself Kyouko in Yasudo’s body…

Story 2: Talking about two sisters, while her sick sister is hospitalized continuously, she decides to stay in the hospital until her father visits to come out… While my friend Shinya visits you every day… In response, she just pretended to sleep all the time without even mentioning him… But it was because she looked at her in a provocative sleeping position, Shinya was curious, the cow towed the car with her… The sister also knows that she just pretended to sleep to let Shinya do this. One day she called her father and said, “If you don’t come and visit me, I’ll scream that I was raped by my father and jumped from the 100th floor, then I’d just go to jail…” Your father was afraid of the blue eyes rushing to visit her…

Año: 2011
Fecha de publicación: July 5, 2011
Fuente: Manga
Language: Subtitle
Calidad: 720p
Nombre original: イノセント~少女メモリア~
Nombre inglés:  Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1 / Innocent: Memories of a Girl

Director: N/A
Estudio: Piña rosa

Innocent Shoujo Memoria Episode 1 イノセント~少女メモリア~ Innocent: Memories of a Girl Innocent: Shoujo Memoria

Actores: Eriko Yasudo / Tengo

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