The anime series was an adaptation of The Novel under mizuryu’s talented drawing pen, Kei. The story was composed by Toono, Nagisa…
Content: A beautiful presamal girl and a normal school, until one day. At the flag salute earlier in the week, the principal claimed sexual activity was permitted at the school and was supported and adopted by everyone. And from there
Oide yo Shiritsu Yarimakuri Gakuen Episode 3 Oideyo! Shiritsu Yarima*ri Gakuen おいでよ! 私立ヤリまxり学園 놀러오세요 사립 야리마X리 학원
Year: 2016г.
Release date: August 24, 2017
Source: Vn Game
Genre:Censored, 2017, Anal, Big Boobs, Blowjob, Femdom, Golden Shower, Hand Job, Harem, Incest, Mind Break, Orgy, School Girl, Sex Toy, Stocking, Swimsuit, Three Some, Toys, Tsundere, Virgin, Water Sports, PoRO
Quality: WEB-720PX
language: Subtitles
English name: Oide yo! Shiritsu Yarima x Rigakuen
Original name: おいでよ! 私立ヤリま×り学園 「潔癖生徒会長・ミラ ~お漏らしハメる妄想天下」(仮)
Director: PoRO
Studio: PoRO