The protagonist of a hentai animated movie, “Etsuko’s News”-Yamanobe Etsuko. She is one of the best news people on TV Tokyo. To stay in the head, she will go to any tricks. She loved the job so she also streamed a kidnapping and reportage for everyone to live on television …
Foxy Nudes Episode 2 Hana no Joshi Announcer: Newscaster Etsuko Newscaster Etsuko Žinių Pranešėja Etsuko 꽃의 여자 뉴스캐스터 에츠코 花の女子アナ ニュースキャスター・悦子
Brand: Discovery
Release Date: September 25, 2004
Genres: Uncensored, 2004, Anal, Cosplay, Creampie, POV, Public Sex, Rape, Sex Toy, Toys
Yamanobe Etsuko