T-Rex Studios and director Raika Ken have announced a hentai anime adaptation of the popular Takeda Hiromitsu manga, “Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku,” which is scheduled for release in late January 2021.
Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku: The quiet life of Norihito and Hisa makes many people admire. Hisa recently applied to work in the same company as Norihito. Until one day, the company president called the couple to his room to talk, Norihito made a mistake and caused the company to lose a large amount of money. To make it all right, he wants your wife to be his private secretary until he finds someone new…
Year: 2021
Release date: Jan 29, 2021
Source: Manga
Genre: Censored, 2021, Ahegao, Big Boobs, Blowjob, Boob job, Cosplay, Manga, Mind Break, NTR, Sex Toy, Ugly Bastard
Quality: WEB-1080PX
language: Subbed
Studio: T-Rex
this is why i never trust no bitch. these hoes ain’t loyal