Oni chichi’s anime series tells the story of his stepfather Kouzou’s relationship. Together with the two daughters of the new student wife – Airi and Marina. The mother of two young girls was absent mostly for work reasons. That opportunity makes the dirty stepfather at least have the opportunity to “play” with his 2 girls
Be seduced by two daughters who are too beautiful with a sexy and beautiful young body. Kouzou was unable to resist and forced himself to take ecstasy with his two daughters. The first is with Airi, from acute Loli and BB girl suddenly becomes “naughty”. And from there the story begins…
Oni Chichi 1 Episode 1 Demon Father 귀부 鬼父 オ二チチ
Year: 2009
Release date: 10/30/2009
Source: Visual novel
Genre: Censored, 2009, Anal, Big Boobs, Blowjob, Blu-Ray, Boob job, Cosplay, Creampie, Filmed, Harem, HD, Incest, Loli, Mind Break, Mind Control, Plot, Public Sex, Rape, School Girl, Stocking, Three Some, Tsundere, Virgin, Yuri,PoRO
language: Subbed
English name: Oni Chichi
Original name: 鬼父
Director: Youta Nobidome