Kazushi Sudou is a college understudy who is visited by his two cherished companions, the sisters Ayane and Kotone Shirakawa. At the point when Ayane finds that Kazushi neglected to get her pudding as well as utilizing her uncommon moisturizer in the shower, she chooses to deliver retribution and join Kazushi in his shower alongside Kotone. Can the distorted Kazushi stay not interested in them both?
Year: 2020r.
Release date: February 23, 2020
Source: Manga
Genre: Censored, 2020, Big Boobs, Blowjob, Creampie, Harem, HD, Humor, Incest, Manga, New Release, Plot, School Girl, Slice of Life, Stocking, Swimsuit, Tsundere, Vanilla
language: Subtitles
Quality: WEB-720PX
Original name: おーばーふろぉ
English name: Overflow
Director: N/A
Studio: Suiseisha
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